Easy Redmine Alternative That Works

  • The most popular Redmine plugins

  • Interactive Gantt & Resource Management plugins

  • Clean interface & features you will really use

  • Superfast & nice support

  • No Redmine fork, built on stock Redmine

  • 100% Open Source

  • Plugin

  • Saas

  • Redmine 5.x

  • 100% Open Source

Need live support or more information?
Support →

Still Redmine, But This Time It's Really Easy

RedmineX hosted solution is an Easy Redmine alternative, packed with the most popular Redmine plugins on the market such as Gantt chart, Resource management, Agile, HelpDesk, Finance, and many more. Created by four Redmine enthusiasts who used to work in Easy Redmine, RedmineX brings a clean UI and meticulously tested environment that brings managers what they have longed for - a flawless tool for managing their company.

Features Of Our Easy Redmine Alternative

  • Compatible with the best Redmine plugins (CRM, Agile, Finance, HelpDesk, etc.)

  • 100% Redmine, no hacking

  • You are not tied to a single company and its pricing policy

  • Includes Gantt chart, Resources, Graphs, etc.

  • Customizable priority colors

  • Instant support

On Your Server Or a Hosted Cloud Solution? Choose From Two
Easy Redmine Alternatives

Redmine Server (on-premise)

The quickest way to a new Easy Redmine alternative is our plugins Bundle - 6 productivity Redmine plugins on your server. Want other plugins from our demo such as Agile, CRM, HelpDesk? No problem. Get in touch with us.

Hosted Redmine

Do you want to use all plugins such as Gantt chart, Resource Management, Agile FREE, CRM FREE, HelpDesk (on-demand), and many more, and not take care of the server? Then cloud is your choice. This is a complex company solution that can grow with you and you don't have to worry about servers. We got you covered.

Trusted By Effective Teams Worldwide

Why Choose RedmineX Easy Redmine Alternative?

Because you don't really want to stop using Redmine or Easy Redmine. We have a solution that will feel like home but will provide your company with a reliable project management system that is well designed, 100% mobile, packed with productivity plugins, and has rock-solid support in case you need help or a new feature. It is just a click away - it is called RedmineX.

We Migrate From Other Redmine Solutions Too

We can migrate your core Redmine data from any Redmine, Planio, Easy Redmine, etc. We just need the database.

All RedmineX Features

Redmine X Upgrade

Modern UI

Advanced Vertical Menu

Issues & Spent time In The Top Menu

Up to 50 issues on My page

One-click Issue Edit

Collapsible Filters & Options

Collapsible Issue Params

Definable Priority Colors

Company Logo Upload

Sticky Save Buttons

Global NEW Button

Project Info (Project Overview Data Aggregator)

My Page Redirect After Login

Project Menu Dropdown

Enhanced Issue Detail (the main edit moved to the right, added contextual dropdown, highlighted journal notes)

Better Translation of Issues & Spent Time

Agile board

Computed custom fields

Time management

CRM (contacts, deals)


Document management system

Task inline editing

Gantt chart & Resource management


... and a lot of other plugins



4.1.x - 5.x




requires db & migration


MySQL, PostgreSQL


The Gantt plugin requires the RedmineX Assets plugin which is included in the package and in the price.

Migrate To a Stress-free Environment by RedmineX.

We offer an Easy Redmine migration into our cloud solution. A zen-like project management is just a click away.

Contact Andrew for the smoothest transition

Try All Redmine X Plugins

online demo  |  totally FREE

Source? *

How Does The Demo Work?

  1. Login Credentials
    After submitting the form, you will be redirected to a page with login credentials.

  2. One Demo For All
    The demo site is available for all users and the database is being reset every full hour. You can do anything, but the data you enter will eventually be reset. You can ask for a dedicated demo if you‘re interested in keeping the data, or testing more thoroughly.

  3. We are Here For You
    Michael is ready to help you with any request, set the demo for you so it suits your company or team.