Key features of Redmine Resource Management Plugin
Visual Overview of Planned Capacities
RedmineX Resources Plugin gives you an easy-to-understand visual overview of planned allocations and users & group capacities. It sums up the workload of all planned tasks for a particular user or a group of users and shows the utilization within a certain period.
Global And Project Resource Management
Global Resource Management shows all users and their work utilization across all projects. It is the best tool for resource managers. Project-level resource management shows how a particular project consumes the capacities of project members and their total work utilization.
Drag & Drop Allocation Update
Tasks and their allocations are easily updated using a drag&drop feature and in-line editing. Due date or duration are updated by dragging tasks on the canvas. Assignee, estimated time, and other details are changed in a modal or using in-line editing. You can do all your planning using the resource management plugin.
Automatic And Manual Resource Allocations
To the left of the "today marker", you can see time spent on a task in the past. To the right of the "today marker", there's the remaining time (total estimate minus spent time) which is allocated proportionally. It can be either allocated automatically or manually, thus allowing managers to allocate a custom number of hours per day.
Filtering and Settings
Filtering allows to show particular users or tasks, however, planned allocations of the users are always taken into account for all the assigned tasks. In the settings, you can set the default allocated hours per day as well as other important parameters.
In-line Editing And a New Task Allocation Feature
In-line editing allows you to change the estimated time of the task and the task subject. Using the plus icons, you can easily create new tasks or subtasks and thanks to this feature you will never have to leave the resource management tool.
Plugin Redmine 4.1.x - 5.x Bitnami 100% Open Source