Start Your Stress-free Redmine Remote Maintenance
Let RedmineX handle your server maintenance, freeing you from the need to hire an additional system admin, and allowing you to focus on your core strengths. Reach out to us for a discussion on remote maintenance with no obligations.
Arrange a No-Obligation Video Call To Discuss Remote Maintenance
RedmineX: Beyond Plugins, Solutions & Integrations
At RedmineX, we create Redmine plugins to make teams around the world more effective. In addition to that, we offer various solutions and services such as Redmine hosting, Redmine on-premise solutions, and Redmine integrations.
RedmineX rebuilt our server entirely, recovered all of our data, upgraded the Redmine and plugins versions, added our SSL certificate so that we have now an up-to-date system. The new server environment installed by RedmineX on our ESX environment hosted on-premise has been working without any problem for several months now. The new server is running perfectly, no downtime, runs fast, cron jobs are now working and no more Ruby exceptions! Thanks for RedmineX for the job perfectly executed.
Maxime Blass
Application Engineering Director at SCHILLER France